Gender Norm Transformative Programing: Where Are We Now? Where Do We Need to Be?
The very interesting and well-executed study by Gupta and Santhya published in the Journal that raises both complex and challenging questions. What they have shown is that when the same school-based gender transformative programming is delivered to younger (aged 13–14 years) and older (aged 15–19 years) boys, the impact of the program appears to be significantly greater for those who are younger. Specifically, the authors found that attitudinal change was greater for the younger group, as it relates to gender egalitarian attitudes, such as the rejection of men's controlling behaviors and the perpetration of wife beating. Likewise, they reported that the younger adolescents believe peers would respect them more for their egalitarian attitudes than did the older cohort. There was one significant finding, however, that suggested… [read the publication for more info]