
November 2017

Click here to see the Special Supplement of Conflict and Health, "Transitions within Transitions: coming of age in displacement" featuring articles co-authored by GEAS researchers including Robert Blum, Anna E. Kågesten and Linnea Zimmerman.


September 2017

Mmari K, Moreau C, Gibbs SE, De Meyer S,  Michielsen Kristien, Kabiru CW, Bello B,   Fatusi A, Lou C, Zuo X, Yu C, Al-Attar GST, El-Gibaly O. (43026). ‘Yeah, I’ve grown; I can’t go out anymore’: differences in perceived risks between girls and boys entering adolescence. Culture Health and Sexuality.

The Global Early Adolescent Study Special Supplement to the Journal of Adolescent Health, October 2017


Saewyc, E.. (2017). A Global Perspective on Gender Roles and Identity. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4) S1-S54.


Blum RW, Mmari K, Moreau C.. (2017). It Begins at 10: How Gender Expectations Shape Early Adolescence Around the World. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S3-S4.

Chandra-Mouli V, Plesons M, Adebayo E, Amin A, Avni M, Kraft JM, Lane C, Brundage CL, Kreinin T, Bosworth E, Garcia-Moreno C, Malarcher S. (2017). Implications of the Global Early Adolescent Study's Formative Research Findings for Action and for Research. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S5-S9.

Lane C, Brundage CL, Kreinin T. (2017). Why We Must Invest in Early Adolescence: Early Intervention, Lasting Impact. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S10-S11.

Review Article

Mmari K, Blum RW, Atnafou R, Chilet E, de Meyer S, El-Gibaly O, Basu S, Bello B, Maina B, Zuo X.. (2017). Exploration of Gender Norms and Socialization Among Early Adolescents: The Use of Qualitative Methods for the Global Early Adolescent StudyJournal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S12-S18.

Original Articles

Al-Attar G, De Meyer S, El-Gibaly O, Michielsen K, Animosa LH, Mmari K. (2017). "A Boy Would Be Friends With Boys … and a Girl … With Girls": Gender Norms in Early Adolescent Friendships in Egypt and Belgium. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S30-S34.

Basu S, Zuo X, Lou C, Acharya R, Lundgren R.. (2017). Learning to Be Gendered: Gender Socialization in Early Adolescence Among Urban Poor in Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S24-S29.

Bello BM, Fatusi AO, Adepoju OE, Maina BW, Kabiru CW, Sommer M5, Mmari K. (2017). Adolescent and Parental Reactions to Puberty in Nigeria and Kenya: A Cross-Cultural and Intergenerational Comparison. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S35-S41.

De Meyer S, Kågesten A, Mmari K, McEachran J, Chilet-Rosell E, Kabiru CW, Maina B, Jerves EM, Currie C, Michielsen K. (2017). "Boys Should Have the Courage to Ask a Girl Out": Gender Norms in Early Adolescent Romantic RelationshipsJournal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S42-S47.

Tolman DL, Yu C, Mmari K.. (2017). Interpreting Narratives Within a Cross-National Interdisciplinary Study: A Case Study of a Collaborative Process. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S19-S23.

Yu C, Zuo X, Blum RW, Tolman DL, Kågesten A, Mmari K, De Meyer S, Michielsen K, Basu S, Acharya R, Lian Q, Lou C.. (2017). Marching to a Different Drummer: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Young Adolescents Who Challenge Gender Norms. Journal of Adolescent Health. 61(4S):S48-S54.

Kågesten A, Gibbs S, Blum RW, Moreau C, Chandra-Mouli V, et al. (2016) Understanding Factors that Shape Gender Attitudes in Early Adolescence Globally: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157805.

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Blum RW, Astone NM, Decker MR, Chandra-Mouli V. (2014). A Conceptual framework for early adolescence: a platform for research. Int J Adolesc Med Health 26(3):321-331.