Center for International Reproductive Health symposium

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Well-being: How to align the need for complex interventions with the call for more evidence?

December 4, 2014




 Adolescent sexual and reproductive health research at ICRH: past, ongoing and futureKristien Michielsen (Ghent University International Centre for Reproductive Health - Ghent, Belgium)

Twenty years after the International Conference on Population and Development, where are we in adolescent sexual and reproductive health? Chandra-Mouli Venkatraman (World Health Organization - Geneva, Switzerland)

Breaking barriers in information and communication on sexuality for adolescents, using NICTS. A field experience in Cuenca, EcuadorBernardo Vega (University of Cuenca - Cuenca, Ecuador)

"Sexual Diversity and the Role of Educators": experiences in developing and teaching the first accredited course in Africa for teachers in training? Jim Lees (University of the Western Cape Centre for Research in HIV and AIDS - Cape Town, South Africa)