Jakarta, Semarang, Lampung and Denpasar, Indonesia
The Global Early Adolescent Study is partnering with Rutgers, an international non-profit organisation specialised in sexual and reproductive health and rights. Rutgers was founded and is headquartered in the Netherlands, with a country offices in Indonesia Rutgers provides support to more than 100 organisations in 18 low and middle income countries on improving sexual and reproductive health and promoting freedom for all genders and sexuality identities. Rutgers develops effective, evidence-based approaches and interventions in which sensitive issues can be addressed in a positive way, making it easier to talk about sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights in different cultural contexts. For the GEAS in Indonesia, Rutgers partners with the Reproductive Health Centre of the University of Jogjakarta (UGM-RHC), implementing partner PKBI (Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association) and local and national governments (through national and local advisory committees).
We are partnering with Rutgers to evaluate SETARA (Semangat Dunia Remaja or Teen Aspirations) a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum for adolescents aged 12-15 in junior high schools in Indonesia. SETARA aims to support healthy sexual development by teaching vital information and promoting valuable life skills such as critical thinking, communication, negotiation and assertiveness. SETARA incorporates a gender transformative approach by including critical reflection on gender norms as a key curriculum element. Click here for a video of testimonials from SETARA students.
The GEAS in Indonesia is part of Explore4Action (E4A), a broader research and advocacy programme. Explore4Action also incorporates qualitative research involving young people as co-researchers and implementation research, exploring the factors needed for successful implementation and the scale-up of comprehensive sexuality education. E4A is a youth-centred programme, involving young people as team members, co-researchers and advocates. The youth-focus helps young people to strengthen their early career prospects, enhance their depth of insight into qualitative research and allows for young people to take ownership of the transformational results. More information on Explore4Action at: https://www.rutgers.international/programmes/explore4action
Miranda van Reeuwijk
Miranda is a senior researcher for Rutgers, a principal investigator for the GEAS in Indonesia and project lead for Explore4Action. Miranda holds a PhD in Medical Anthropology and her expertise includes research relating to children, adolescents and young people’s sexuality, particularly in Africa and Asia. Central to her work is the active participation of children and young people in various levels and stages of (operational) research, intervention development, implementation, and monitoring & evaluation.
Siswanto Agus Wilopo
Siswanto Agus Wilopo is a principal investigator for the GEAS in Indonesia. He is a Professor of Population Health and the Director of the Center for Reproductive Health (CRH), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta Indonesia. He is a medical doctor with an MSc from McMaster University, Canada, and a PhD from the School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is the former Deputy Chairperson of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) in Indonesia (2001-2008), and was Deputy Assistant Minister of Population and Environment and Population/Family Planning from 1991 to 2000. He currently works for Indonesia’s FP2020 working group on Data and Monitoring Evaluation (a leader on Performance Monitoring Accountability for PMA2020). His research and publications are mainly in the area of population health, especially in family planning and reproductive health issues.
Anggriyani Wahyu Pinandari
Anggriyani is the study coordinator for the GEAS in Indonesia and for Explore4Action overall. She is a researcher at the Center for Reproductive Health (CRH), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta Indonesia. She studied public health and achieved her Master of Public Health Degree from UGM, during which she specialised in family and population health. She is a former lecturer at Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Kalimantan Selatan. Her research and publications are mainly in the area of population health, especially in family planning and reproductive health issues.
Nur Jannah
Nur is the program coordinator for Explore for Action (E4A) at Rutgers WPF Indonesia. She previously held managerial and advisory roles in programmes addressing social justice issues with specialisation in child protection, child rights governance, and child-centred social protection. Nana is trained in qualitative research, discourse and interpretative research, and policy analysis. She studied Social Policy for Development at the International Institute of Social Studies at the Erasmus University in the Netherlands, where she specialised in Children and Youth Studies. Her current research interests are on the political economy of state and international development aid and its influence towards social movements involving young people claiming rights to sexual and reproductive health.
Anna Page
Anna is a researcher for Rutgers and the deputy project lead for Explore4Action. She provides support to the GEAS in Indonesia and technical support on qualitative research and meaningful youth participation for the other E4A research tracks. Anna holds an MSc in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam. As part of her studies, she undertook participatory research exploring the impact of a sexual and reproductive health programme on young people’s social exclusion in rural Kenya. Anna has previously worked in a range of research and advocacy roles for non-profit organisations and the government in the Netherlands, the UK and Mali, including work on youth participation, gender, homelessness, mental health and criminal justice.
Agung Nugroho
Agung is a researcher at the Center for Reproductive Health (CRH), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and a data analyst for the GEAS. He is a nutritionist and completed a masters in Epidemiology and Public Health in 2001 at Umea University, Sweden. He involves in various quantitative and qualitative research projects conducted by CRH. Together with the CRH team he became a consultant on drafting local regulation of HIV prevention for Magelang district in Central Java (2017). He is a lecturer on research methodology, epidemiology and biostatistics for graduate and master students. In 2017 he was accepted as doctoral student by UCD Dublin.
Althaf Setyawan
Althaf is data manager for GEAS, responsible for managing all incoming data, the maintenance of GEAS databases, as well as ensuring high data integrity. He is also involved at developing data quality control and data management systems for Indonesia GEAS database. He is a biostatistician at the Center for Reproductive Health (CRH), Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is also an epidemiologist and achieved his MPH on Field Epidemiology from Universitas Gadjah Mada. In addition, he has experience in computer skills for data management, data analysis, develop and design on research methodology of Biostatistics and Epidemiology as consultant. Now he is learning the machine algorithms, techniques and tools that are capable of handling, managing and analyzing Big Data.
Ifta Choiriyyaha
Dr. Ifta Choiriyyah is a research assistant for GEAS in Indonesia and a doctoral candidate in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has a medical degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), School of Medicine in Indonesia and a Master of Science in Public Health from the Bloomberg School. Before coming to Baltimore for her doctoral degree, she worked as a lecturer at the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Population Health, UGM Faculty of Medicine and as a research assistant at UGM Center for Reproductive Health. She provides support for instrument adaptation, data management and analysis for GEAS in Indonesia.