Edinburgh, Scotland
Data collection will be carried out in one of the largest Scottish cities, Edinburgh, which is home to a significant proportion of Scotland residents living under the poverty live. In Edinburgh 18% of children were estimated to be living in poverty in 2012.
Research Team
Our collaborating partner in Scotland is the University of St. Andrews.
Candace Currie, Primary Investigator
Dr. Currie is a behavioral and public health scientist, trained in quantitative methods. She also has some experience in qualitative and mixed methods research, including focus groups. Her research interests are in international adolescent health, health inequalities (gender and socioeconomic), pubertal development and health. Dr Currie is the International Coordinator of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children: WHO Collaborative Cross-National Study (HBSC) (www.hbsc.org); Director of the Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit (www.cahru.org) University of St Andrews; and Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Child and Adolescent Health Policy. She is also Principal Investigator for the HBSC Study in Scotland. Dr Currie will be coordinating and fundraising the effort for Scotland to participate in the GEAS, with the city of Edinburgh as the study site. She has also facilitated the membership of Malawi into GEAS with colleagues at the School of Medicine (Global Health Implementation programme), University of St Andrews and is helping to plan the GEAS phase I in Blantyre. Contact Dr. Currie.
Juliet McEachran, Field Coordinator
Juliet McEachran received her MSc in Medical Demography from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and a PhD in Demography from theUniversity of Southampton. Her PhD provided training in, and used, both Qualitative and Quantitative research methods to examine women's contraceptive management in Bangladesh. Her research interests are reproductive health and equality. She has worked for LSHTM, WHO, University of Southampton, JSI (Europe), The Pleasure Project and The Brotherhood of St Laurence (Australia). Juliet is currently working at CAHRU (Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit) at the University of St Andrews examining the impact of family structure and relationship with mother and father on timing of menarche. She will be the field coordinator for the Scotland.